Eric Bruce, a first year student at Nyakrom Senior High Technical School (SHTS) tragically died from an electric shock on Monday.
The incident took place on Monday, May 13, 2024, in Otabilkrom in Agona Swedru in the Central Region. Reports indicate that heavy rains in Agona Swedru and the surrounding areas on Monday caused significant damage, including downed electric power lines. An electric wire on Eric’s house was severed and fell to the ground.
In an attempt to clear the wire from the path, Eric used a bamboo stick, believing that the bamboo would insulate him from the electric current. Unfortunately, the power did pass through the bamboo, electrocuting him instantly.
Eric’s body has been taken to the morgue, where it awaits an autopsy report from the police.
This isn’t the first time an SHS student has been electrocuted. In 2015, Patricia Dede, a 19-year-old student at Saint Augustine S.H.S in Bogoso, died while trying to iron clothes. She touched an exposed wire while removing a water heater, leading to her electrocution.
In 2010, Michael Sarkodie, a second-year student at Kumasi Secondary Technical School, was electrocuted while trying to climb over a school wall with an electrified razor wire. The school authorities suspected an illegal connection powered the wire.
These incidents highlight a troubling rise in electrocutions among high school students in Ghana. There is an urgent need for comprehensive electrical safety education in schools. Teaching students about electricity is crucial to prevent such accidents and save lives. High school students, who often use electrical devices, need to understand the risks and learn how to handle electrical appliances safely and respond to electrical emergencies.